5-Week ADHD Life Hacks Group for Adults
This group is designed for individuals who:
Are newly diagnosed with Adult ADHD and are looking for community and support may not have an ADHD diagnosis but are looking for new ways of doing things want tips, tricks, and strategies on how to get stuff done
Want to take action on their ever-growing todo list
Want increased awareness and support with their executive functioning skills
Individual and group accountability support will be provided throughout our journey!
Mondays and Wednesdays 11am-12pm CT / 12pm-1pm ET for 5 weeks
Additional Thursday Morning Drop-In Support Session Included! This optional drop-in will be held from 7:30am-8am CT / 8:30am-9am ET
$50/hour. Individuals will be charged after each session.
FSA/HSA Accepted Superbills Available
This group will be led by Caren Kangas, BCBA, ADHD-CCSP. Caren specializes in working with individuals to build skills and create lasting behavior change. Join Caren on a journey of harnessing your strengths, understanding current barriers, and building effective skills so that you can start living the life you want for yourself!
Contact Caren Kangas, ckangas@guidingbehavior.com by the first Tuesday of each month to get the link!